Free E-books and Travel Guides |
10 Things You Should Know Before Traveling in Italy |
Written for those who are about to discover Italy, this ebook provides an educational yet entertaining look at local customs in Italy, and shows you how to make your trip more enjoyable by adopting the ways of the country you are visiting. (12 pages)

East of Venice: The Hidden Canals of Veneto |
Behind the arc of the northern Adriatic, in the bootstrap of northeastern Italy, lies a second Venice. Know as the Litoranea Veneta, this 372-mile inland waterway has sheltered mariners sailing to and from Venice for more than 2,000 years. (78 pages)

Escape Artist: Choosing Travel as a Lifestyle |
An inspiring conversation with Violetta Zein, a woman who has chosen travel as a lifestyle rather than as a temporary getaway. A writer, photographer, artist, and Renaissance woman, Ms. Zein describes travel as something fundamental to human experience and personal development. (8 pages)